Clark Atlanta Alumna and Former Campus Health Leader Shares Her Motivational Health Journey!
Kaedi Bowers is a fitness mogul in the making! Also known as "KaediFitQueen", this 22-year-old West Palm Beach native is someone to keep an eye on! Kaedi is a certified personal trainer who changes lives through the transformative power of fitness. She has cultivated a brand, Kaedi Fit Queen Fitness, which utilizes techniques such as resistance training, strength training, flexibility, and high-intensity interval training to help others become the healthiest versions of themselves. With so many great accomplishments under her belt, this is still only the beginning for Kaedi! Want to follow her journey? Keep reading down below for the inside scoop!
You graduated from Clark Atlanta University recently. Congratulations! How did your health journey change from your Freshman year to now?
My health journey has been an ongoing learning experience. During my freshman year, I did not know much about “health and wellness” because I grew up in a household that had health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Learning things about a balanced diet, proper nutrition, and healthy choices was uncommon in my household. I was knowledgeable about “fitness” because I played sports. Whereas now my health journey includes mental, spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional wellness.
Why did you decide to become a health leader on campus and how did the role shape your collegiate experience?
I decided to become a health leader on campus because I stopped playing basketball my freshman year. Fitness was my outlet, so I kept working out around campus and with friends. I began to realize that fitness was bigger than vanity, it was about living a healthy lifestyle. I decided to help other college students make healthier choices. It made my collegiate experience full of joy, growth, and fulfillment. I was breaking the cycle in my family, filling my cup by reaching my own fitness goals and helping others reach their own. The decision to start my health journey while in undergrad was extremely rewarding!
How were you able to stay motivated while in school? What kept you going on your “off days”?
I was able to stay motivated by being apart of such a phenomenal organization— PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT. On my off days, I was connected with other like-minded girls who strived to reach similar fitness goals or started their health journeys. So I had accountability partners, friendships, and workout buddies through PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT. We also spent a lot of time off-campus, like at parks, wellness events, juice bars just enjoying the healthy lifestyles we were creating. It was little room to be unmotivated being surrounded by such amazing people.
Post-Grad life seems very exciting. With so many endless possibilities and the world in your hands, what is the next step for you?
In the words of Nipsey Hussle “The Marathon Continues”. Currently, I am a 5th-grade social studies teacher. Also, I am a Health Coach. Recently, I launched an online fitness challenge and fitness program. I hope to continue developing effective fitness programs, collaborate with more fitness influencers, and help more people transform their lifestyles.
How are you staying fit now?
I stay fit now by mainly using my fitness program. Whenever I create something new, I test it out on myself first. Also, I work with a coach because I need accountability. A lot of times I try new local fitness classes like cycling, hot yoga, pole dance, run clubs, etc because, again, being connected with like-minded people keeps me motivated. Other times I go back to the basics which is playing basketball.
Do you have any advice to give younger readers who may be interested in attending your alma mater?
Yes, one of the best investments you can make is attending an HBCU. The education you get from a historically black college is vital! However, have a plan financially because you could wind up in debt. HBCU’s aren’t cheap! Ultimately, you will be ready for the career of your dreams, gain personal development, understand your identity, learn about Black people across the African Diaspora not just your immediate family, and grow in general. If you decide to attend my alma mater, Clark Atlanta University: Be authentic, Be a leader, Get involved, Use your resources, Get a mentor, and Devote yourself to lifelong learning. You’ll do excellent at CAU!
Who’s your biggest fitness inspiration right now?
Wow, I usually have a top 5. Fitness is booming nowadays with influential people to learn from! If I had to choose one it’ll be Massy Arias because her health journey is aligned with my goals. However, I’m super proud of DaShaun Johnson, a celebrity trainer in ATL and alumnus of CAU. I met him before he launched his abs program and seeing his continued success is super inspiring!
What are your current fitness goals, and how have they changed since you first started the program?
My current fitness goal is to understand my body more in a wellness aspect. I’ve mastered working out but I want to see my body’s transformation through wellness. When I first started PGS, my fitness goals were completely based upon vanity. Sometimes I would get so obsessed with the way I looked instead of functionality. I like the way I feel more than the way that I look nowadays. Training for functionality makes me feel and look great!
After completing the Ambassador program, what do the words PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT now mean to you?
PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT is self-explanatory. It's a girl who's willing to step out of her comfort zone by working out, connecting with sisterhood, and developing healthy habits. She’s "pretty" inside and out because of her choice to start sweating more!
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